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Hey all and Merry Christmas!!! Hope you all got everything that you wanted and you had a great time.
Today I want to show the finally finished Goliath Rockgrinder that I have had sitting around since it was first released. I really like this model, but can imagine if you are painting up a whole Genestealer Cult army it would take a long time, as this model took forever to paint. I was quite lucky this Christmas as I recieved Space Hulk as a present. I have wanted this game for years. Hopefully I can paint it up at some point when I’m less busy. Anyone get anything cool for Christmas?
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ThirdEyeNuke is no longer an active contributor to Tale of Painters. However, you can still browse his archived posts by clicking on this banner.
I agree, thats crazy nice. My jaw dropped seeing that. Do you think you will paint more Genestealer Cult models? Andrew
Ha ha Cheers Andrew, Yeah I like this one too 🙂
This is the best Goliath I have seen, great work!
Hey cheers Matthew. Merry Christmas!!
I love what you have done. Really suits the model.