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Hey all, today is a quick post of a recently completed Mortarion. The model itself is beautiful and was a pleasure to paint. More after the jump!!
I think Games Workshop have really been outdoing themselves with the quality of the new Death Guard models. Over the months I have been slowly collecting them bit by bit and have the beginnings of a pretty decent sized army that I cannot wait to get painted and game with.
The Mortarion above is sadly not mine, but hopefully, I will purchase one at some point when the wife is not watching and smuggle him into our house 🙂 What do you think of him?
ThirdEyeNuke is no longer an active contributor to Tale of Painters. However, you can still browse his archived posts by clicking on this banner.
This looks excellent, your painting style really lends itself to Morty, great job TEN.
Sinister as hell. That's quite amazing what you have done. Marc
Hey cheers Marc 🙂
The more i see morty not painted the GW Studio way the more i like it, absolutely awesome paintjob
Hey cheers Nakchak:)