Welcome to my first blog post on the new Tale of Painters site. Stahly has done an amazing job on the new website, it’s so good! Anyway, enough of that. I’m here to talk about my newly finished Necron Warriors and Scarabs.

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Group shot of Necron Warriors and Scarabs

A few weeks ago I challenged myself to finish painting the Indomitus box set and I thought I’d start with what was left from the Necron half. It was 20 warriors and 6 scarabs. These are easy models to paint and this is a strategy I do all time on army projects. I always start a project with a single easy test piece like a Necron Warrior, then I dive in and paint the hardest models. Because of this I’d already painted all the tricky stuff like Skorpekh Lords and Destroyers. The challenge with Warriors and Scarabs is the sheer number of them. I decided I’d split it into three big batch paints and spend a week on each. The first week I was flying and finished the Scarabs early giving me a huge head start on the next block of Warriors. They took around a week still leaving me ahead of my schedule. The final batch paint of Warriors also took a week which mean’t all in all I finished 20 Necron Warriors and 6 Scarabs in two and a half weeks. Not bad, I’m happy with that.

If you’d like paint your Necron Warriors in the same scheme as mine, then I have a tutorial you can follow here.

Necrons and Scarabs emerge from the promethium mines.

With all my Necrons painted, all that’s left from the Indomitus Set is 3 Ravenwing Outriders and 9 Assault Intercessors. If you’ve been on the front page of this new blog recently you might have seen a WIP of my Outriders. That’s one of the cool things of the new blog is the front page links to our social media so you’ll see more hobby content more regularly! And you can get involved too by hashtagging #taleofpainters on your instagram posts your models will be featured on the home page under our Tale of Painters Instagram Community!

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