Tale of Painters is a blog FOR hobbyists run BY hobbyists. Garfy, me, and our fantastic contributors are putting a lot of energy into Tale of Painters, as it’s our mission to provide the community with free high-quality Warhammer hobby content. And we do it all in our spare time. Here is what you can do to support us so we can continue to do what we do and improve along the way.

This site contains affiliate links you can use to support Tale of Painters. As Amazon Associates, eBay partners, and partners of our partner shops we earn from qualifying purchases. Thanks :)
Stahly's Patreon page for Tale of Painters

Over on Stahly’s Patreon account we’ve got several memberships available, that will not only net you a shoutout on our website but also some cool perks:

  • Your chance to vote for future tutorials
  • Exclusive 25% discount for Garfy’s Get a Grip Pro, Pro Long, and Ultra painting handles
  • Exclusive 15% discount for Paint Blitzer paint stripper from Unto the Breach Hobbies
  • Sneak peeks on planned content
  • Monthly 4K desktop wallpaper to download
  • New: Download Stahly’s scenic photo backgrounds
  • Earlier access to most of our tutorials in a downloadable PDF format (I’ll upload my tutorials as soon as I’ve finished editing them, often weeks before they’ll fit into our schedule on Tale of Painters)
  • An exclusive & ever-growing guide for almost all paint ranges out there (pros and cons of Citadel, The Army Painter, Vallejo Game / Model / Mecha Color, Formula P3, Reaper Master Series, and more; including a list of my favourite paints from each range and of colours better to avoid)
  • WIP updates from Stahly’s paint station (see what I’m currently painting, days and weeks before it will be posted on Tale of Painters and Instagram)

Also, you could order your next hobby purchases at Wayland Games or Element Games. Both offer fantastic discounts on GW products and free shipping to the UK and all of Europe. Use our affiliate links in the sidebar and we’ll get a small kickback. A great way to support Tale of Painters with no extra costs to you at all!

Tale of Painters needs you on Patreon

Thank you very much, we appreciate any help to keep us going 🙂