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Hey all, todays post is part two talking about my airbrushes of choice with that being my favourite one the Iwata CM-C Plus.

The Iwata CM-C Plus is a incredible airbrush and probably the one I use the most. The overall feel and look is quite stunning, even though in the photos it is looking a lot like it needs a good clean, but hey I have just been using it and will continue to use it after writing this post.

The thing that I think that sets this apart from my other airbrushes apart from the quality and build is the air control peddle. It is incredibly smooth and for precision airbrushing it’s second to none. With this I can easily base coat in small areas of a model as well as shading areas that are very detailed.

The other thing I love about this brush is that it has a self cleaning ability in the nozzle. If you unscrew the nozzle slightly and run airbrush cleaner through the body the brush will clean itself internally. I really like this option. Also the brush has a built in psi valve.

The only down sides to this brush is that its quite expensive. I bought this one about five years ago for £330 and replacement needles and nibs come in at around £70. So you have to be really careful that you do not drop it or bash the needle. But other than that I have never really had any issues.

Overall I think this is a amazing airbrush and I have been really spoilt by it, so much so that after using it for long periods I find it hard to use my other airbrushes due to the smoothness of the control peddle. The best way I can describe this airbrush is that it feels like driving a super expensive car if that makes sence!!!.

If you have any questions feel free to ask.