The Tarantulos Brood swing into action on the blog and prepare their trap with tempting showcase photography bait. If you’re here then you’re already been caught on the web.

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When it came to photographing the Tarantulos Brood I wanted them coming out of a dark forest covered in webs and invading a Varanite Delve. For the webs I used cotton wool. I lit the woods with a purple light and the Daemon machinery was lit from below with red light to represent infernal energies coming up from the cracked earth.

The Tarantulos brood are a unique looking band of Chaos Cultists. They have a strong spider aesthetic featuring spider masks, spider legs coming out of hoods, webbing and barbs. They even have three bases of Spider Swarms. The sculpted detail on these models is incredible and there is a lot to pick out and paint. It was a little daunting and I thought they would take ages to paint but actually i got them done in around ten days.

The Warband is made up of a Brood Master, 2 Doomweavers, 7 Broodkin and 3 spider swarms. The spider swarms are pretty cool, when they perish they can be bought back by the Brood Master. I’d love to see official rules that allow this Warband to battle an Arachnarok Spider and enslave it to the warband in the same way a Chaos Warband could add a Chimera.

If you like my paint scheme, you can check out my 20 step photo tutorial with detailed instructions on how I painted them.

Thanks for popping by and checking out my latest post. I had a lot of fun painting these and photographing them. I haven’t painted the Darkoath Warband yet but I’ll be using the tutorial I wrote below as it’s quite quick and looks effective.

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