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These models were so simple to paint, which made them a bit monotonous. I’m pleased they’re done though, sometimes it’s nice to get the boring units done so you can look forward to the bigger kits. I’m thinking I might paint the Canoptek Spyder next to go with this unit. Stahly is working on a Dark Eldar Venom, and the Spyder is roughly the same size so that’s quite cool. Watch this space.
Garfy is a UK hobbyist with over twenty years experience. He's a regular contributor to White Dwarf Magazine including 4 Armies of the Month features and has written articles for the Warhammer Community site. He holds 3 UK Golden Demon finalist pins and 2 Armies on Parade Gold award. His other passion is photography and cinematography, which he uses to great effect to deliver high quality content to the blog.
Great – cheers!
I didn't use these scarabs. They're too big. I used the smaller scarabs from the Tesseract Vault kit. I used a paper clip to create the path I wanted the Scarabs to follow and then I super glued and green stuffed each scarab to the wire. I just kept adding more and more scarabs until you couldn't see the wire anymore.
Ah, thanks, but I actually meant these scarabs! I realise my first comment doesn't read properly – sorry. Thanks a mil.
I think these were greenstuff dots and superglue as well.
@Garfy – As for your scarabs on the cryptek conversion, do you dot a bit of green stuff underneath them for these? Or did you just whack them on with some superglue?
I love small models that are quick to paint and fill the display cabinet, gives a nice sense of accomplishment 😉
It's just real slate super glued to the bases.
They look really good. I was wondering what you used for the rocks? I'm basing some woods and they would be perfect
Thanks man, yeah got a nice little force of around 750pts going on. It's a legal force too so if you want a little game let me know.
5 Deathmarks
5 Immortals + Nightscythe
9 Necron Warriors
9 Necron Warriors
9 Scarab Bases
Annihilation Barge
These look awesome! There must be enough for a team shot soon!