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Hello everyone, I’m back with another single miniature post. Here’s an Ironjawz ‘Ardboy I painted for a local store painting competition just recently. For the competition, we weren’t allowed to convert the mini but we could paint it any colour scheme we wanted thus I chose the Asheater boys.

I’ve never tried a black colour scheme on Orks, Orruks or Ironjaws so I thought this would be a nice one to try and I don’t like painting black thus it would be a good challenge. I tried focusing on weathering thus there were a lot of scratches on the armour. Let’s face it, they’re Ironjaws, if there wasn’t a little wear and tear it would be weird.

I really liked red as the spot colour so I tried to include it in every angle but it was important not to overpower the white markings as well. With the white tooth markings, I also painted them so you could at least see 2 areas with tooth markings at different angles.

For the base, I was thinking that since the Asheater Boyz are in Ghyran then they would likely burning everything around them thus the base reflects that. They are also known to rub ash on their armour as well.

I really enjoyed painting this mini. Luckily I painted it in time as I’m quite a slow painting. Let me know what you think in the comments below or click on an emoticon bellow and give this ‘Ardboy some support! That’s it for now, catch you all next time.