Dark Eldar: I can no longer resist…

Maybe you’ve seen these already on one forum or another, but like every christmas GW comes around with some Megaforces. Think of a Battleforce but with more models and a bigger discount. This year they release one for Space Marines (surprise), but also for High...

Ultramarines Terminator Seargent WIP

Remember the CC Terminator Squad I painted for my Ultramarines some time ago? Well, they were missing their Seargent because back then I couldn’t get the tabbard bit in time. I don’t like leaving squads unfinished, so as my Stormvermins are finished now, I took...
Fantasy - The Old World

Warpfire Thrower Team Finished!

I just put the last finishing touches to the Warpfire Thrower team. Instead of a realistic, red fire I chose to paint the flames on the little rat greenish. I used the same colours that I use for painting warpstone but in reverse order: P3...

Review: November’s White Dwarf

I went out and bought this issue day one, but with the only expectation to just look at cool pictures of the new Necron models… The Good Stuff: The articles about the new Necrons and their fluff, an Ogre Kingdoms tactics article. What’s In There...

Tales from the Network #2

Welcome to Tales from the Network, the new semi-regular feature on Tale of Painters. This is the place where we will present you the best new posts from our friends and fellow bloggers from the Tale of Painters Blog Network. Don’t wait and check them...
Fantasy - The Old World

Skaven Warpfire Thrower Weapon Team

No big Skaven unit is complete without two brave rats carrying an infernal device that’s likely to explode at some point or another. This is why I’ll add this Warpfire Thrower to my recently finished Stormvermins. Now the Island of Blood weapon team models aren’t...
Fantasy - The Old World

Stormvermins finished!

Here they are, I just put the last finishing touches on the last batch! With those five models my big unit of 30 Stormvermin is finally done! Once everything is varnished, I will take some group shots of them. Give me some more days for...

Tales from the Network #1

Welcome to Tales from the Network, a new semi-regular feature on Tale of Painters. This is the place where we will present you the best posts from our friends and fellow bloggers from the Tale of Painters Blog Network. Don’t wait and check them out!...