
Tutorial: Painted-on looking Decals

Hey there! A lot of people don’t like working with decals. Bubbles or the satin sheen make them often look like a foreign matter on your models. However with the right tools it’s not very hard to acchieve a nice painted-on look, blending your transfer...

Incoming: Dark Eldar Megaforce!

Look what I got in the mail today – a huge box packed with sprues, what could be better? Don’t hold your breath though, starting my Dark Eldar warband will be some months away, still quite a few Skaven plus other goodies for my Ultramarines...

A new face to Tale of Painters!

Dear readers, please welcome with me the new addition to the Tale of Painters crew: Rev. You might know him from the GW blog, where his stunning Space Wolves army got a post dedicated to some time ago, or from his project logs on Warseer....

Tales from the Network #5

Welcome to Tales from the Network, the new semi-regular feature on Tale of Painters. This is the place where we will present you the best new posts from our friends and fellow bloggers from the ever-growing Tale of Painters Blog Network. Here we go: A...
Fantasy - The Old World

WIP Skavenslaves second batch

Hey there, small progress on these bunch of Skavenslaves. Unfortunately my hobby time is still very low due to my work, but I hope that after next week it goes back to normal. Until then, little strokes fell big oaks. I’m currently working on the...

Tales from the Network #4

Welcome to Tales from the Network, the new semi-regular feature on Tale of Painters. This is the place where we will present you the best new posts from our friends and fellow bloggers from the ever-growing Tale of Painters Blog Network. Here we go: Oink...