
Little Progress on the Scouts

I’m quite busy at the moment so just a little progress on the second batch of my Scouts. I’m going to do a tutorial for painting faces with them.

New Hobby Purchases

I bought a squad of Close Combat Terminators in anticipation of the upcoming price rise. Every Space Marine collection needs some Terminators and I heard that CC Termis are the hotness. I feel that regular Terminators would fit the Ultramarine flavour better, but I had...

Skeleton Warrior and SM Scouts

I painted a Vampire Counts Skeleton Warrior for fun. I took pictures at various stages and will make a tutorial out of it, which I will publish in the next weeks. Otherwise, not much progress on the Scouts, just did the bases. Real life is...

Chaos Daemons

I’m toying with the idea of a Chaos Daemon army as I’m really fond of the models of the upcoming Daemon wave. It would be a combined Slaanesh and Tzeentch army, I always loved Slaanesh and I like the direction of the plastic Daemonettes. I...
40k, Showcase

Finished Wave Serpent Showcase

High quality pictures of the Wave Serpent I painted for my Saim-Hann host. Compared to the Falcon, I improved in every single aspect – the blendings on the cupola and the gems are better, the highlights are more accurate and the black stripe pattern is...

Ultramarine Shotgun Scouts started

I started to paint the first three guys of my shotgun armed Scout squad. Notice the alternate heads which are drawn from various Space Marine sprues. Left to do is skin, hair, the black areas, silver areas and the occasional detail. The painting so far...
40k, Showcase

Showcase: Classic Marneus Calgar

Some high quality pictures of my paintjob of classic Marneus Calgar. As I said before, I bought this model when I was 12 and rediscovered it at my parents’ house recently. I stripped it and added it to my current Ultramarine army. Even though the...

Tutorial: How to paint Beastmen Ungors

Cheers, another tutorial suited for quick and effective army painting that yet creates a stunning appereance on the table. The colour scheme is mainly based on the new studio army, however I chose to use a more brownish, beastly looking palette for the skin. 1....

Marneus Calgar halfway

All that is left to do now are silver metallics, painting the Bolters and some other minor details. The picture above is very bad and eats up a lot of highlighting work. You definately have to look forward to some high quality pictures in my...