Stahly hails from Craftworld Germany and has been involved with Warhammer since childhood. He has painted several armies and countless warbands and Kill Teams over the decades, and founded Tale of Painters in 2011. When he's not painting miniatures incredibly slowly, he's testing the latest paints, tools and kits with German precision and a no non-sense attitude.
Tutorial: How to paint Sanguinary Guard
Cheers, as promised the tutorial about how I painted my Sanguinary Guard. As in my popular Blood Angel tutorial, I paint the armour in a easy techniques like drybrushing and washing and finish off the model by crisp detail work. 1. Prime the model with...
Some Eldar Guardians
Sorry for the lack of updates, but I’m staying at my parents this week. However I took paints, brushes and some Guardians with me 🙂 So far I painted the bases and shaded the armour on this batch.
Showcase: Sanguinary Guard
Painted these two Sanguinary Guard for fun. A tutorial will follow later this week! I think the Glaive Encarmaine turned out quite cool and the deep purplish red makes the models more round thant the turquoise blades of the ‘Eavy Metal version.
Venerable Dreadnought legs
Quick update on the Venerable Dreadnought. Finished the legs and moved to the body.
100th Post! And a Venerable Dreadnought…
Cheers, this is my 100th post in this blog! Thanks to my 75 followers – if you like my blog and have a Blogspot-Blog as well or Google Connect why not become a follower yourself? It’s a great motivation to know there are people out...
Sanguinary Guard done!
Done, at last. The wings took really long to paint, a lot of feathers to highlight. I’m really fond of the colour choice on the Glaive Encarmaine. Expect the tutorial and a high quality showcase sometimes next week 🙂 I also stripped some Eldar Guardians...
Eldar: Harlequins Showcase
High quality pictures of the first batch of my Harlequins. I’ve still got five left, including a Death Jester and a Shadowseer, but as they take quite long to paint, I decided to save them up for a later time. The paint scheme is totally...
Sanguinary Guard and another Skaven test model
I’m getting there with the Sanguinary Guard. Just some highlights and details here and there and of course, the wings. I’ve also painted another Skaven test model, this time a Slave. Took me 70 minutes to paint, so I still need to figure out how...
Tutorial: How to paint Faces The Stahly Way
When I was painting the Scouts I promised you to do a tutorial about how I painted the faces. So here it is! Eyes 1. Paint the eye sockets black in case you don’t use a black primer. Paint two white dots in each side...
Painting Sanguinan Guard
I’m painting two Sanguinan Guard at the moment. Awesome models with jawdropping details for plastic. As my Blood Angels tutorial proved to be very popular, I’m going to do a tutorial for them as well.
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