Review: Blood Angels Death Company army set
Following the Black Templars and Dark Angels, the Sons of Sanguinius are now receiving their own wave of new Primaris models and a codex for the 10th Edition. In this review, we take a look at the new Death Company-themed Blood Angels army set, including high-res sprue images and a preview of the new rulebook.
Tutorial: How to paint Skaven Clanrats from Skaventide
The Vermindoom is imminent, so it’s best to quickly learn how to paint Skaven before the grey, unpainted tide overwhelms us! In this tutorial, I’ll show you how to quickly and effectively get your Clanrats from Warhammer Age of Sigmar: Skaventide to a battle-ready standard using a Slapchop-inspired technique, and then take them to the next level with additional highlights and details.
ToP Tip: 3 quick guides for painting Gallowdark Space Hulk terrain
In this ToP Tip series, I’m sharing some of my favourite paint recipes. Find out how I painted the dingy red of my Gallowdark Space Hulk corridors with these three visual painting guides.
Showcase: Sisters of Battle Tariana Palos (inc. tutorial)
n my showcase post today, I’m presenting my version of Sister Tariana Palos. Painted in the golden armour of The Order of the Golden Light, she is one of my favourite models from the Adepta Sororitas range. Click here for more pictures, a 360-degree view, and a free tutorial.
Showcase: Death Korps of Krieg Medic (inc. painting guides)
As a demo model for my review of the new Vallejo Model Colour range, I painted a Medic of the Death Korps of Krieg. In this showcase post I will show you this foot soldier of the Astra Militarum in detail and give you a complete list of all paints and techniques used.
Tutorial: How to paint Sisters of Battle from The Order of the Golden Light
To celebrate the release of the Sisters of Battle Codex for the 10th edition of Warhammer 40.000, I’ve created an extra detailed tutorial for The Order of the Golden Light. This is perfect for all kinds of models in golden armour, such as Stormcast Eternals or Adeptus Custodes (regardless of gender). In this tutorial, I also explain how to paint details like leather, cream-coloured robes, and purity seals, which are universally useful.
Showcase: Kill Team: Into the Dark Gallowdark terrain #1
The first half of the Gallowdark terrain from my Kill Team: Into the Dark Box is complete! To celebrate this milestone, I’ve photographed all the Space Hulk corridor pieces and captured a cinematic image of a Hormagaunt attack. You can find all the pictures along with a link to my paint recipes in this post.
Review: Darktide The Miniatures Game
Enter the dystopian world of Hive City Tertium, familiar from Fatshark’s Darktide video game, now brought to life in Games Workshop’s Darktide: The Miniatures Game. In this review, we delve into the miniatures, components, and rules of this cooperative tie-in game for up to four players. Is it a cash grab or a rewarding dungeon-crawling experience? Find out here.
Showcase: Kill Team: Into the Dark Gallowdark terrain (inc. painting guides)
If you follow me on Instagram, you may have already seen that I’m working my way through the Space Hulk terrain from Kill Team: Into the Dark. In this post, I’ll be sharing my initial results and providing a complete list of the paints and techniques used.
Review: Kroot Hunting Pack (new T’au Empire army set)
Welcome to our review of the latest addition to the T’au Empire’s arsenal – the Kroot Hunting Pack army set. 26 brand new models and an updated Codex await. From seasoned leaders to savage warriors, and even the fearsome Krootox Rampagers, the Kroot are poised to carve their place in the annals of T’au history once more. So, grab your pulse rifles and sharpen your blades, for the hunt is on!
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