Showcase: Striking Scorpion Exarch from Craftworld Ulthwé
Delve into the shadows of the Aeldari warhosts as I unveil the latest addition to my Craftworld Ulthwé collection: a Striking Scorpion Exarch from the brand-new plastic kit. Painted exclusively with Warpaints Fanatic paints from The Army Painter, this model makes a “striking” addition to my Blades of Khaine Kill Team.
Showcase: Hive Fleet Kraken Tyranid Warriors (inc. tutorial)
The next addition to my Hive Fleet Kraken Splinter Fleet Kill Team is this Heavy Gunner Tyranid Warrior beast, boasting a gruesome long-barreled Venom Cannon. Find out how this model fared in my Kill Team games, and check out more pictures in this post.
Showcase: Hive Fleet Kraken Tyranid Warrior with Venom Cannon
The next addition to my Hive Fleet Kraken Splinter Fleet Kill Team is this Heavy Gunner Tyranid Warrior beast, boasting a gruesome long-barreled Venom Cannon. Find out how this model fared in my Kill Team games, and check out more pictures in this post.
Tutorial collection: Dark Angels & Deathwing
Repent! You have been found guilty of not having painted all your miniatures yet. In this tutorial collection, we’ll show you not only how to paint the Terminators from the new Deathwing Assault box, but also the classic Dark Angels dark green and the black of the Ravenwing.
Showcase: Hive Fleet Kraken Tyranid Warrior Leader
Introducing my Hive Fleet Kraken splinter fleet Tyranid Warrior, the formidable leader of my upcoming Hive Fleet Kill Team. In this showcase blog post, witness my rendition of this relentless killing machine, sporting the deadly bonesword and lash-whip combination, backed up by a gruesome Deathspitter.
Showcase: Tyranids Hive Fleet Kraken Hormagaunts
In the relentless dance of cosmic predation, Hormagaunts emerge as the embodiment of unyielding terror. In this showcase, I bring forth four meticulously painted Hive Fleet Kraken Hormagaunts, the dynamic poses capturing the chitinous horrors at the zenith of their ferocious onslaught.
Review: Necrons Overlord with Translocation Shroud, Imotekh The Stormlord & Orikan
Unleashing cosmic power and unyielding might, a triplet of Necron Overlords accompanies the release of the 10th Edition Necrons Codex – Imotekh the Stormlord, Orikan the Diviner, and the Overlord with Translocation Shroud. In this review, we delve into the new kits and cover all assembly options and details.
Review: Warhammer 40.000 & Age of Sigmar Christmas army boxes (inc. savings breakdown)
It’s that time of the year again when Games Workshop bundles up a set of army boxes offering savings of up to 40% compared to buying individually. This year, there are six Battleforces for Warhammer 40,000 and four for Age of Sigmar. Based on the experiences of previous years, they’ll sell out fast, especially at independent retailers, so preorder now. But which boxes are particularly worth it? Here comes our review and savings breakdown.
Review: Space Marines Terminator Squad 2023 & Chaplain in Terminator Armour
Introducing the latest additions to the Space Marine range – the redesigned Terminator Squad and Chaplain in Terminator Armour. These formidable models are here to enhance the Easy to Build version from Leviathan, providing multi-pose and multi-part options for waging war in the grim darkness of the 41st Millennium. Let’s dive into this review to see what these new kits bring to the tabletop.
Review: Primaris Space Marines Jump Pack Intercessors & Captain with Jump Pack
Ignite the jump packs and bring the battle right to the heart of the enemy force with the brand-new Captain with Jump Pack and Jump Pack Intercessors. Primaris fans have been waiting for infantry with jump packs for years, and here they are at last. We’ll explore what these new kits can do in this review.
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