40k, Tutorials

Tutorial: How to Paint Tau / T’au sept Fire Warriors

This is a tutorial explaining how to paint the classic Tau/T’au Sept scheme using the latest Games Workshop paints. The model above was painted in 18 steps. I break each step down with a high-resolution picture and detailed instructions. Read the full tutorial after the jump. I’ve…

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WIP: Ultramarines Assault Squad #5

Another update on my Assault Squad. Slowest squad reworking ever. But I hardly find time to paint at the moment. Nevertheless, I’ll grind through, only one more model after this batch. The two models with the flamethrowers are almost complete (apart from bases and transfers),…

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40k, Showcase

Showcase: Death Guard Plague Marine

Hi all! The newest model for my Death Guard Armies on Parade project is this “easy to build” Plague Marine. I tried an alternate colour scheme mainly using spray cans from GW and some washes (of course there were some details to pick out, too)….

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WIP: Ultramarines Primaris Ancient with Banner

Welcome to today’s post. It’s a work in progress post on my second edition inspired Primaris Ancient. After the jump, you can watch my first facebook live video I’ve embedded into the blog. You can watch as I carry on painting the banner. The marine…

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40k, Showcase

Showcase: Ork Morkanaut by ComradeQuiche

Comrade Quiche here with another Dread Mob update! This was actually the very first Dread Mob model (and Ork model for that matter) that I painted. I decided that since it was so huge I really wanted to go with a somewhat bright paint scheme….

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