40k, Showcase

Showcase: Ork Deff Dreads

Hey all, I hope you’re having a fantastic Friday!! Today I thought I’d show some Ork Deff Dreads that I painted years ago. I think it always good to look back at your old work and compare it to your modern work to see the…

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40k, Showcase

Showcase: Imperial Reaver Titan

Hey, I realized I never showed you the finalized version of this one! Last year around this time I worked on an Imperial Reaver titan. Cleaning, assembly, magnetizing, painting. The cleaning was a TON of work, the assembly was very interesting (at one point I…

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WIP: Ultramarines Assault Squad #2

Some progress on my Assault Squad. The first three models have been reworked and improved, they just need some transfers and static grass. Seven more to go! What are you up to this weekend?

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Showcase: Ragnar Blackmane Space Wolves

By Logan’s beard! There is so much detail on this model. This model took so long to paint it felt like I was waiting for the 13th Company to return. Let’s paws for thought before checking out more pictures after the jump.   Ragnar is…

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40k, Tutorials

Tutorial: How to paint Grey Knights

In this step by step tutorial I will show you how I paint my Grey Knights using the new range of paints from Citadel. In just 39 steps you can replicate the above paint job. I’ve designed this tutorial so established painters find it interesting…

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WIP: Ultramarines Assault Squad #1

Next up is another of my older Ultramarines squads. I’ve reworked a Tactical and a Devastator Squad, which makes an Assault Squad a natural next choice. Above you can see all the changes I made: a new Sergeant made from plastic Vanguard parts, a second flamer,…

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