
WIP: Genestealer Cults Goliath Rockgrinder

Hey guys, today I thought I’d show the beginning’s of a Genestealer Cults Goliath Rockgrinder. Hopefully in the next few posts I can finish it of and showcase it along with the Kharn and Chaos Spawns that I showed in the last few weeks as…

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40k, Showcase

Showcase: Eldar Howling Banshees of Iybraesil

There they are, my finished Howling Banshees of Craftworld Iybraesil! Considering that Iybraesil is known for their vanguards of their Banshee shrines, it was about time. Check out more pictures and close-ups after the jump. I’m very happy with how these models turned out. And…

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WIP: Khorne Daemonkin Chaos Spawn

Hey all, today is a real quick post with a WIP of some Khorne Daemonkin Chaos Spawn. I have had these models laying around half painted since the beginning of the summer and had almost forgotten about them. Whilst searching for some other model’s I…

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WIP: Eldar Shadow Spectres Rebasing

While my Banshees are  waiting to get varnished, I thought I could spend the meantime revisiting an older squad of mine. The fabulous 32mm base adapters from ttadapters.com put the idea in my head to increase the base size of the rather top-heavy Shadow Spectres…

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WIP: Dark Angels Assault Marine

I had enough spare bitz to cobble together a Assault Marine combat squad and I love painting Dark Angels so I thought why not expand my small Dark Angel force. Here’s the first marine. I thought I’d paint one in a single day just for…

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