40k, Age of Sigmar, Reviews

Review: Warhammer 40.000 & Age of Sigmar Christmas army boxes (inc. savings breakdown)

Warhammer Christmas Battleforces 2023 review and savings breakdown

It’s that time of the year again when Games Workshop bundles up a set of army boxes offering savings of up to 40% compared to buying individually. This year, there are six Battleforces for Warhammer 40,000 and four for Age of Sigmar. Based on the experiences of previous years, they’ll sell out fast, especially at independent retailers, so preorder now. But which boxes are particularly worth it? Here comes our review and savings breakdown.

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Age of Sigmar, Painting Guides, Showcase

Showcase: Flesh-eater Courts Abhorrant Archregent and Charnel Throne (inc. painting guides)

Perched on his throne of lies, the Abhorrant Archregent rules all before him speaking his madness to all who lay eyes on him. Don’t worry though, you won’t suffer cannibalistic delusions if you read this blog post, instead you’ll be greeted with top quality photographs and painting guides for Flesh-eater Courts Charnel Throne and the Abhorrant Archregent.

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