Happy New Year and a Finished Poisoned Wind Mortar!
I hope you all had a great New Year’s Eve and made a lot of hobby-related resolutions for 2011! I’m back at home and finished the Poisoned Wind Mortar Weapon team and Clanrat No. 20. Painting the globes was rather fun, even though my first…
Plague Wind Mortar WIP
I’ve used my holiday spare time to get a healthy dose of painting. This is a Plague Wind Mortar team and Spear Clanrat No. 20. Painting the Mortar team is good fun, even though the model is pretty bad and probably the weakest one of…
Another batch of Clanrats finished
I was very hardworking over tha holidays and finished the fourth batch of Clanrats. I’m at my parents now and don’t have static grass with me, so I will do that once I’m back home (sorry for the bad colours it’s my parents’ camera). I’ve…
Clanrats, it doesn’t end
I started another batch of Clanrats by applying base colours. I plan to finish them over holidays.
New January Skaven models!
Leaked pictures of the upcoming Skaven wave in January! Enjoy. Hellpit Abomination – rumoured to be priced at 39 Euro (same as IG tanks). Plastic kit. Notice the different arm and head options. Warplightning Cannon/Plagueclaw Catapult. Combined Plastic Kit. I really love how the cannon…
Clanrats, third batch done
Had a really busy week with lots of overtime and no time to paint. But today I managed to finish the latest batch. I hope to get back on track over Christmas holidays.
Sunday Skaven Painting
The progress of Sunday. Sadly I hadn’t time for some painting today.
Clanrats Progress
After a busy week I had a spare afternoon today and continued working on my batch of Clanrats. I will do more painting tomorrow so let’s see how far I can take them.
Another batch of Clanrats
Finally some more WIP shots in my blog! But I wasn’t idle as of late, I painted a model for a contest that will be revealed next week. As it is finished now, I turned to my Clanrats again and started basecoating another rank.
Batch of Clanrats finished
The first five are my latest batch, the ones I painted before are in the second rank.