40k, Reviews

Review: Raging Heroes Kommander Malinka Kurganova

Today we have a look at a model from french miniature boutique Raging Heroes. Raging Heroes started making proxy models for Warhammer and 40k a couple of years ago, and rose to fame with their two successful “The Toughest Girls of the Galaxy” Kickstarters. Kommander…

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40k, Paints & tools, Reviews

Review: Warcolours Paints

Hey guys, a few weeks ago I stumbled upon a new range of paints from a Cyprus based company called Warcolours and I was impressed. I am always a easy pushover when it comes to trying out new brands, especially when I see colours that…

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Paints & tools, Reviews

Review: Citadel Mouldline Remover Tool

I recently needed to pick up the Citadel Moudline Remover tool, as my old Seam Scraper from Micro-Mark was getting dull. Hear my thoughts about this tool and whether its worth its premium price tag, in this little review. The current range of Citadel tools…

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