40k, Showcase

Showcase: Ork Stormboyz

Reet, that’s the Stormboyz. Proper bigmob of 64 figures I painted, and here’s some close-up shots of the indiviual figures’ fronts and backs. As with the Gretchins I’ll post the full photo series on the Battle Brush Studios site. Painting these chaps was kind of…

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40k, Showcase

Showcase: Ork Gretchins

As the crowning finish of the Orks army (I’ll drop some more detail shots of other units over the next weeks) I’ve done 63 Gretchins! As with every single figure in this army they’re converted and built to be all individuals. Not by me, but…

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Age of Sigmar, Showcase, Warcry

Showcase: Ogroid Myrmidon

I’ve been pretty quiet on the blog recently, the whole worldwide pandemic has been quite unsettling. Painting miniatures is one constant in my life that brings me comfort so I have been doing lots of that. My Slaves to Darkness have turned into my #isolationarmy…

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