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I’ve been pretty quiet on the blog recently, the whole worldwide pandemic has been quite unsettling. Painting miniatures is one constant in my life that brings me comfort so I have been doing lots of that. My Slaves to Darkness have turned into my #isolationarmy and I’m painting the characters in-between batch painting the units. One of those Characters is the Pit Marshalling Ogroid Myrmidon who really enjoys bellowing at Cultists. More after the jump. 

I wanted my Ogroid Myrmidon to have an angry colour scheme but not be associated with Khorne so I went with a pinkish, purpley-red skin and instead of black hair I went with red hair. The ret of the scheme is just my Iron Golems scheme for weapons and armour and my Untamed Beasts scheme for horns and soft good. 

He was really fun to paint because he was so different to anything else in the army. When we can all go out and see our friends again I’m looking forward to using him in games of Warcry

How are you coping with lockdown and social distancing? Let me know in the comments below. 

Garfy's Get a Grip - now available on ebay