ToP Tip: The best gold & copper paints
Today, I have two quartets of metallic paints for you. One set consists of warm golds, perfect for Stormcast Eternals, Adeptus Custodes, or any golden details. The other set includes four reddish copper tones ranging from light to dark, perhaps an inspiration for painting the various infernal Skaven contraceptions in Age of Sigmar’s new Skaventide box.
ToP Tip: Best chocolate brown paints
In this edition of Stahly’s Paint Picks, we’re going chocolaty. I’ll show you a colour palette of 8 paints, starting with a light latte macchiato, going through mocha, and ending with a warm, dark chocolate brown. Perfect for painting leather, dark skin, horses, and much more.
ToP Tip: 3 quick guides for painting Trans-hyperion orange, Metalica robes, and bleached bone
In this ToP Tip series, I’m sharing some of my recently developed favourite paint recipes. Find out how to paint the orange armour of the Votann’s Trans-hyperion Alliance, the pale white robes of Forge World Metalica, and a quick and easy way to paint bone.
ToP Tip: Best golden and rosy skin tone paints
Stahly’s Paint Picks returns for another round! In this ongoing series, I highlight my top paint choices for different colour schemes. Today, we’re delving into a range of skin tones, featuring one palette with a rosy and blush hue, and another boasting golden and olive undertones.
ToP Tip: Using Stahly’s hand-painted swatches for comparing paint ranges
Maybe you know the problem, too: You are looking for the perfect colour for your next project and order a few new paints based on the product images in an online shop or the manufacturer’s graphics. But when the paints arrive, disappointment is high because they turn out completely different than on the screen. But I got the perfect solution.
ToP Tip: 3 quick guides for painting Silver Skulls, purple Nighthaunt & Striking Scorpions armour
In this ToP Tip series I share some of my favourite paint recipes I came up with lately. Find out how to paint dark and light Silver Skulls power armour, Nighthaunt spectral bodies with a purple hue, and an alternative way to paint Striking Scorpions green, all in this post.
ToP Tip: Best pink, magenta, and purple paints
Welcome to a new feature on Tale of Painters: Stahly’s paint picks. Here, I’ll be showcasing my favourite paints for specific colour groups. In this post, I’ll be focusing on vibrant pinks, rich magentas, and deep purples, spanning from light to dark shades.
ToP Tip: 5 things I learned about Warpaints Fanatic I wish I knew before
Do you think of getting started with Warpaints Fanatic? In this video, I’m going to paint a Striking Scorpion Exarch from start to finish using only Fanatic paints from The Army Painter, and I’ll share all of my findings and issues along the way, so you can find out if these are the right paints for you.
ToP Tip: 3 quick guides for painting yellow/ black armour & Sylvaneth treespirits
In this new ToP Tip series I’ll share three of my favourite paint recipes to get your creative juices flowing. Find out how to paint yellow Imperial Fist armour, the spectral bodies of Sylvaneth treespirits, and the black of Craftworld Ulthwé, all in this post.
ToP Tip: The perfect airbrush matte varnish formula
Lately, I’ve been experimenting a lot with varnishing models with an airbrush. But all the ultra matte and matte varnishes I tried were either TOO matte or TOO glossy. Don’t fret, here comes my solution for the perfect matte finish.