Tale of Tuesdays: SpaceShrimp Month 4 – Grashrak’s Despoilers
Hi everyone, come gather round the herd-stone and take a look at my finished Despoiler warband. I was already in a good position last post with this warband, I really just had to tidy up flesh tones, do the final highlights and finish the basing…
Showcase: Beasts of Chaos Chimera for Warcry
As his lands burned, Mohshoof swore vengeance against the Iron-clad pillagers who defaced his territory. Braying an incantation, he bound the native Beasts of Chaos to his will. Furies swooped down to snatch up unwary warriors, squawking Raptoryx slashed out with beaks and claws disemboweling…
Tale of Tuesdays: SpaceShrimp Month 3 – Grashrak’s Despoilers
Hi all, welcome back to Tale of Tuesdays where I have a brand new war band to share with you. Getting hobby done over the festive period seems to go one of two ways for me. Either I am leisurely painting miniatures midday (midweek!) without…
Tale of Tuesdays: Grashrak’s Despoilers Month 2
We peer into the cavernous gullet of the Beastgrave Mountain today and view upon the bestial fury that is Grashrak’s Despoilers. Completed Warband and the completed boxed game pictures after the jump. This is my second month of this series of Tale of Tuesdays and…
Tale of Tuesdays: Garfy Month 1 – Grashrak’s Despoilers
It’s Tuesday, that means it’s time for Tale of Tuesdays and I’m opening the new series. This time we’re delving into the Underworlds and the four Tale of Tuesdays’ victims… oops I mean willing painters will be painting a total of two warbands each over…
Showcase: Beastmen, Malagor the Dark Omen
Here he is, Malagor the Dark Omen. A Beastmen Bray-Shaman with a couple of unique rules and access to several of the better lores of magic. He is all but worshipped by other Beastmen who consider him the herald of doom for mankind. His amazing…
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