Review: Age of Sigmar Arcane Cataclysm Battlebox
Today I review and unbox Arcane Cataclysm, the latest entry in the series of Age of Sigmar battleboxes. Lumineth Realm-lords face the Disciples of Tzeentch, when magical hosts duel in the ruins of eldritch war. Let’s find out more about the two exclusive models and whether the box is a good deal or not.
Showcase: Daemons of Tzeentch by Silvernome
Hello everyone, Silvernome here and today I’m going to share with you the first part of my Forces of Change: Tzeentch Daemons When building out my Death Guard army I loved the flexibility that the daemons added when playing the game. I wanted to keep…
Showcase: Louise Sugden’s Tzeentch Daemons #2
HELLO AGAIN! (insert nice sounding intro along the usual lines of ‘Hello, I am that guy who painted the obnoxious space bird and Garfy has invited me to talk about the rest of my rainbow daemon friends so here we go’) Doing a box of Pink…
Showcase: Louise Sugden’s Greater Daemon of Tzeentch Part 1
Hi my names Louise, Garfy invited me to share Vorvadoss my Greater Daemon of Tzeentch conversion on the blog today. After the jump I talk more about my model and share more pictures. My Tzeentch army is my most recent Warhammer endeavour but one…
Showcase: Chaos Sorcerer on Disk of Tzeentch by Technasma
Greetings acolytes, Technasma here again – this time with my diabolical Sorcerer of Tzeentch! More after the jump. At the head of my horde of Slaves to Darkness is my converted Sorcerer of Tzeentch. For me this is a perfect example of the otherworldly weirdness…
Showcase: Greater Daemons of Tzeentch
A super quick one showing a couple of Greater Daemons of Tzeentch I painted a month ago as part of a huge Chaos Daemon army. I’ve really been busy lately with a ton of commission work so I have to apologize for not getting the…
Showcase: Herald of Tzeentch
Heya, it’s been a while since you saw the charming smile of this fella but he’s finished now! I really love this model. There’s so much fun stuff going on. I whilst paining tzeentch models the mind starts to wander and I start thinking what…
WIP: Herald of Tzeentch on Chariot
Currently on the workbench: Chariot of Tzeentch! This model is plain fun. It’s basically the stuff I like about Screamers combined with the stuff I like about Flamers all in one. The model itself is almost done, I need a proppa base now I guess…
Showcase: Flamers of Tzeentch
More Tzeentchy, demonic goodness. Taste the rainbow! The same I said about the Screamers goes for these guys. I miss the departure of the bird heads but I think that these replacements do work and I like their “foot” especially.
Showcase: Screamers of Tzeentch plus: MASSIVE Salute 2013 report!
Hey fellas! After the test mini, here is a full …flock? flight? of finished Screamers of Tzeentch in extra feverdreamish-psychedelic colours! Unfortunately no bases on these guys because… well, they weren’t sent to me because it’s just flying bases anyhow so no need to send…