Greetings acolytes, Technasma here again – this time with my diabolical Sorcerer of Tzeentch! More after the jump.
At the head of my horde of Slaves to Darkness is my converted Sorcerer of Tzeentch. For me this is a perfect example of the otherworldly weirdness typical of Tzeentch’s minions. I’ve always been a big fan of this spindly, gangling freak; he has so much character!
I summoned a daemonic Disk for him to ride from my bitz box, with spare parts from the Burning Chariot of Tzeentch. The base was made to look as if the earth itself is splitting asunder – blasted by the surge of eldritch blue flame that swells below the Disk like a bow wave. I used cork tiling to create chunks of rock and positioned them so they were being thrown into the air.
Glowing blue and magenta are spot colours I use in my army to denote magical weapons and characters, so I really went to town with them on this miniature. I always try to push my painting abilities with each model and I’m pretty happy with the object light sourcing from the Disk flame and the crystalline NMM blending on his sword.
Until next time, try to avoid turning into chaos spawn!
– Technasma
Wow, the glow on the base is fantastic!
Hi guys thanks for the comments – I really appreciate them. I'll definitely put together a tutorial in the near future. In the meantime, here's the paint list and mini step by step as requested:
Baescoat: Black spray primer. Kantor Blue all over.
Armour: Vallejo Bronze base, Drakkenhoff Nightshade wash, Bronze layer, then mix in Vallejo Silver to buld up highlights. Staff and disk is same but with Druchii violet glaze
Blue Armour: Vallejo Field Blue, Drakkenhoff Nightshade wash, Field Blue, then mix in equal parts Vallejo Ivory and Vallejo Dead Flesh for highlights.
Skin: Rakarth Flesh base, Drakkenhoff Nightshade wash, Rackarth Flesh layer, Pallid Wych Flesh layer, Vallejo Ivory and white highlights. Glazes of Reikland Flesh shade, Druchii Violet and Screamer Pink.
Tabard: Naggaroth Nightshade base, VMC Purple layer, Screamer Pink layer, Pink Horror highlight, Druchii Violet shade.
Pink gems and sword: Naggaroth Nightshade base, VMC Purple layer, Screamer Pink layer,Druchii Violet shade, Pink Horror highlight, Fulgrim Pink highlight, mix in white.
Blue fire: Temple Guard blue base, Kantor blue + Naggaroth nightshade shade, add ivory and white to Templeguard blue for highlights. (eyes were templeguard blue glaze over white basecoat).
Purple claws and staff: Naggaroth Nightshade base, Daemonette hide layer, Slaanesh Grey highlight.
Base: Armageddon Dust and Agrellan Earth. Vallejo Khaki Base. Drakkenhoff Nightshade wash. Khaki drybrush. Pallid Wychflesh drybrush highlight. selective glazes of Blue fire colours for OLS.
Lahmian Medium is your friend for blending! I appled all basecoast at once and then applied a global wash of Drakkenhoff to tie the model together. Then worked on the individual elements.
– Technasma
Ah… Drakenhoff nightshade, it gives the bronze a lovely antique but not patina-ed finish. I'm gonna have to use this on some thousand sons.
Thanks for the in depth reply and recipe list.
Thanks for the recipe! will defintley be trying this out! 😀
Beautiful work on all aspects.
DAMNNN THATS SICK! I think you made me want to buy one just so i can paint it similar to yours! Love the sword! and absolutely love the flesh! This definitely needs a tutorial!
Amazing work. The glow under the disc is spot on, and the work on the sword is great.
I love this…
I love the deeply shaded pale flesh, I love the rich magenta, the glowing blue eyes on the rider and disc, and the dark bronze armour.
Could you post a paint list for this please?