Kill Team, Tutorials

Tutorial collection: Kill Team: Octarius

Cinematic shot of a Death Korps of Krieg Guardsman fighting against Drukhari Wyches

This week the new Kill Team Starter Set is on pre-order, and the Ork Kommandos, Death Korps of Krieg, and the Octarius Killzone terrain are also available individually. If you don’t know yet how to paint your models, we’ve got you covered with a selection of tutorials.

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Showcase, Warcry

Showcase: Warcry: Red Harvest Varanite Delve

Welcome weary traveller, your journey across the Bloodwind Spoil must have been treacherous and fraught with danger. You’ll find no respite here at them there mines, for this is a deadly Varanite Delve where even the Daemon bound cursed machinery can end your mortal life. Check out my finished Warcry Red Harvest Terrain and I’ll share the paint recipes too.

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Showcase: Citadel Gaming Hill

Citadel Gaming Hill with Wyldwood trees

I recently found a Citadel Gaming Hill on ebay classified ads, and thought it would be nice to add it to my scenery collection. If you want to see more and learn how I painted this terrain piece, have a look at this post.

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