Tutorial Collection: How to paint Kill Team: Nachmund
Today the new Kill Team: Nachmund box is out and this is your one stop resource for painting all the models in the box. Learn how to paint Black Legion, Aeldari Voidscarred Corsairs, Sector Mechanicus terrain, and more, with our detailed painting guides and tutorials.
Showcase: Kill Team: Nachmund Sector Mechanicus terrain (incl. painting guide)
The new Kill Team: Nachmund box comes with a battle board worth of Sector Mechanicus terrain. I’ve painted the Thermic Plasma Conduits and Alchomite Stacks in an industrial grey and bronze paint scheme and in this showcase post, I explain how I did it.
Tutorial collection: Kill Team: Octarius
This week the new Kill Team Starter Set is on pre-order, and the Ork Kommandos, Death Korps of Krieg, and the Octarius Killzone terrain are also available individually. If you don’t know yet how to paint your models, we’ve got you covered with a selection of tutorials.
Showcase: Munitorum Armoured Container, Barrels and Crates (incl. paint recipes)
Imperium Issue 14 includes the Munitorum Armoured Container, some barrels and some crates. It was a super quick and easy paint job and in this post I’ll share my paint recipe for this industrial dirty yellow.
Showcase: Warcry: Red Harvest Varanite Delve
Welcome weary traveller, your journey across the Bloodwind Spoil must have been treacherous and fraught with danger. You’ll find no respite here at them there mines, for this is a deadly Varanite Delve where even the Daemon bound cursed machinery can end your mortal life. Check out my finished Warcry Red Harvest Terrain and I’ll share the paint recipes too.
Review: Gamemaster terrain kits by The Army Painter
The Gamemaster range from The Army Painter is growing and growing with four new terrain kits: A selection of paints, primers, flock, and accessories, all in a convenient box to help you theme your terrain as four different environments. Let’s take a closer look in this review.
Tutorial: How to paint Kill Team barricades fast
Looking for a quick and simple way to paint the barricades from Kill Team? Then check out this tutorial. I came up with a straightforward paint scheme that can be easily replicated with only washes and drybrushing, so there’s no excuse not to try it. Definitely no rocket science.
Tutorial: Making stone slabs for your terrain
Today on the blog I’m going to help pave the way for you to make your own stone slab flooring. I’ll include a list of what you need. I’ll detail the steps and as a bonus I’ll include a step by step guide on how I painted this terrain piece.
Tutorial: How to paint the Ork shanty town terrain from Kill Team: Octarius
In this tutorial I’m going to explain how to get the Ork shanty town terrain from Kill Team: Octarius ready in no time, while matching the colour palette of the Octarius gaming boards. This technique works very well for all sorts of terrain and also Ork vehicles, so make sure to check it out.
Showcase: Citadel Gaming Hill
I recently found a Citadel Gaming Hill on ebay classified ads, and thought it would be nice to add it to my scenery collection. If you want to see more and learn how I painted this terrain piece, have a look at this post.
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