Paints & tools, Reviews

Review: Gamemaster Dungeons & Caverns Core Set by The Army Painter

The Army Painter Gamemaster Dungeons & Caverns Core Set Front

The Army Painter’s new Gamemaster Dungeons & Caverns Core Set contains everything to start scratch-building terrain: tools, paints, XPS foam, sand, tufts, and more. But the set is actually not limited to dungeon settings, only your imagination will be the limit. If you would like to start making your own terrain just like in the old days, then you need to take a look at this decent value boxed set.

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40k, Reviews

Review: Aeldari Webway Gates

Review: Aeldari / Eldar Webway Gates contents

In this review, we’ll have a look at an army specific scenery piece, the Aeldari Webway Gates, originally released in 2018. This is an absolutely enormous Xenos terrain set, and an option for both Eldar Craftworlds, Aeldari Harlequins, and Drukhari Dark Eldar.

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Showcase, Warcry

Showcase: Warcry Catacombs Terrain

It’s been a while since I reviewed the Warcry Catacombs boxed game and I’ve actually been making great progress painting all the models in the set. Today I’m going to share some pictures of the painted terrain. Check it out after the jump. 

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Age of Sigmar, Painting Guides, Showcase, Warcry

Showcase: Warcry Ruins Azyrite Ruined Chapel (with paint recipes)

This week is Warcry Catacombs week! Today I share my Azyrite Ruins from the original Warcry starter set, which are also included in the new Catacombs box. I chose a basic dark grey stone colour for my ruins, with some details picked out in brass, rusty metal, and a jade green that matches the pale green tiles of the Warcry game board. I share all my paint recipes in this post, so feel free to copy or adapt my scheme as you please.

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