40k, Kill Team

Showcase: Killzone Moroch Sector Fronteris board

Cinematic shot of a Raven Guard Phobos Kill Team on Killzone Moroch terrain

Today I can finally present you my Sector Fronteris gaming board from Kill Team: Moroch. This black-and-white collection of terrain features all of the pieces from the Moroch board, plus a few other things as well. Check out more pictures and learn how I painted this scenery collection in this showcase post.

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Kill Team, Tutorials

Tutorial: How to paint Gallowdark Space Hulk terrain from Kill Team: Into the Dark

Tutorial: How to paint Gallowdark Space Hulk terrain from Kill Team: Into the Dark

In this tutorial I show you how to paint the Gallowdark Space Hulk terrain system from Kill Team: Into the Dark in a heavily weathered cream colour scheme. Thanks to scale modelling techniques like zenithal highlights, oil paints and pigments, this is super fast and looks fantastic. It’s also easier than you think. So here’s how it works.

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