I recently found a Citadel Gaming Hill on ebay classified ads, and thought it would be nice to add it to my scenery collection. If you want to see more and learn how I painted this terrain piece, have a look at this post.

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Citadel Gaming Hill with Drukhari Scourges on top

The Citadel Gaming Hill is a quite large plastic terrain kit from Games Workshop that was released quite a few years ago. It’s a universal piece that will fit any game system or scale and is very quick and easy to paint. sadly it’s no longer officially available but you might get lucky on ebay or facebook groups like me.

Citadel Gaming Hill

I painted the hill in a desert theme like the bases of my Kabal of the Last Hatred and Craftworld Iybraesil collection, which also matches the Awakened Wyldwood trees I did a while ago. Check out steps 25 to 30 in my Wyldwood tutorial to learn how I did it. The only change I made was after applying the XV-88 base colour: I mixed varying amounts of Baneblade Brown into XV-88 and applied some irregular patches to add more natural variation to the earth texture.

And here is the Citadel Hill with my Wyldwood trees. It probably won’t see much gaming, but it should make an interesting piece for future scenic photography.

Hope you like this addition to my scenery collection and if so, leave a comment or reaction below. Let me know if you have any questions, I’m happy to answer them in the comments.