40k, Showcase

Showcase: Tyranid Winged Hive Tyrant Conversion

I converted this model back in 4th Edition. It uses an interesting mix of parts to create quite a unique looking Tyrant. more pics and details of what parts I used after the jump. I used Fell Beast wings, but sculpted Tyranid details on to…

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WIP: Tyranid Hierophant Biotitan #12

The front claws are complete. This just leaves the back legs to paint and the model is complete. I added some glazes to the claws to shade them down to brown. It’s just helped tint them a bit darker. I’ve also continued with the purple…

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WIP: Tyranid Hierophant Biotitan #11

I’ve made some good progress with the Hierophant recently. I’ve had a little airbrush session and highlighted the carapace on all 4 legs. It’s looking almost complete now, but there is still a long way to go. Read on to find out how I masked…

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WIP: Tyranid Hierophant Biotitan #10

Wow, the WIP blog for this beastie has now hit double figures. Will it never end!? In this update I show the completed bio cannons and some interesting size comparison shots. Above I’ve included a full body shot just for completeness sake and to show…

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WIP: Tyranid Hierophant Biotitan #9

This project is starting to drag now. I think it might be because I’m distracted with the new mountain bike I just built. However, some progress has been made. I’ve been painting the bone talons and spikes.

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Showcase: Tyranid Mawloc

I painted this Mawloc when it first came out. It’s a pretty cool model to paint. My paint scheme has evolved slightly since this model was painted. I don’t do the striping/streaking on the carapace anymore, instead I just blend the colours (as seen on…

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WIP: Tyranid Hierophant Biotitan #6

I’ve done a bit more work to the creature’s back by blending purples and pinks on the spore chimney funnels. I decided to dry brush these purples/pinks on instead of using the airbrush because there is quite a lot of detail on the side of…

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