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I’m still putting together Skaven models for some good painting fun over the next couple of weeks… and here is the Hell Pit Abomination.

This model is stunning, breathtaking, maybe the best large model I’ve ever assembled. So much thoughtfulness and creativity went into the design model, you can feel it while assembling the pieces. The way it goes together while hiding most of the mold lines and glue seams, and there are so many wicked details all over the model. I have to bow down for Seb Perbet, I mean compare this model to say the recently released Chimera by “veteran sculptor” Trish Carden, the Chimera feels like stone age. Just awesome. However this model will literally be a beast to paint – so much skin, so much detail…. with my little spare time I fear it will take weeks to complete…

Anyway, back to assembling. Even though there are very few mold lines, there are still some seams here and there where two pieces connect they couldn’t hide. I recommend to take the time and use Vallejo Plastic Putty or Liquid Greenstuff here. Apply the filler roughly over the seams, wait until it’s fully dry and file it down with a fine file, I use Gale Force 9 Diamond Files.