We had the supposed list of new paints some days ago, now there are more details emerging about the design of the new Citadel paint range. Click “More after the jump” to find out more!

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I got this info passed onto me about the new GW paint changes.

  • 144 colours are in.
  • lots of renaming of colours, nothing is leaving.
  • All in different catagories now, Shades (washes) bases, layers, glazes (thin washes) and textures.
  • Prices are staying the same.

So it sounds to me like the main thing GW is doing is reorganizing the line to make it more clear which paints/washes/etc are designed to be used in what situations.

  • There are 144 paints (the current line is only 73), so the range is doubling in size.
  • Broken down into Bases (foundations), Layers (normal colours), shades (washes), Dry (essentially goopy paint for dry brushing), Glaze (thinned washes for easier blending), Texture (sand + colour) and Technical (liquid green stuff).
  • Bottles are not changing.
  • Every color is renamed, there will be a white dwarf with a comparison guide released. Blood red is now wild rider red, ultramarine blue is Calgar blue, skull white is white scar etc etc. There is a big expansion in the greens. There are pinks again, and more purple.
  • Foundation white!! Named Ceramite White
  • New how to paint book that includes a 90 minute DVD
  • Mega paint set available year round now, but is super expensive apparently. Prices are apparently the same (for now).

Source: yakface from DakkaDakka

A new range of paints will be due, that’s for sure. We’ll probably see them in April along with the new Empire army book and models. I like how they break down paints into different groups, as I like a methodical way of painting. Those texture and dry paints sound interesting and and make me curious to try them out. I heard they also improved the quality of their regular paint, which I think is a must, since I feel that Games Workshop fell behind other manufacturers in this regard with their patriarchal Citadel Colours. I can also see why they changed the names, as they want to make it harder for Vallejo to produce counter parts to their range like they did with their Game Colours.

On the other hand, I don’t understand why they messed with the Foundation paints and Washes. These proved to be hugely successful and lots of people love and use them. By doing away the Foundation and Washes label and changing the names of the individual paint pots, they will unsettle and alienate a lot of painters.

Let’s see how this pans out. What do you think? Leave your comment and get talking!