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I really like the Tyrannofex model, it is a lovely blend of Hierophant and Carnifex. It’s a really good size too, it feels too big for the large oval base, and only just fits on it. The rupture cannon is massive. it’s one of the biggest non tank weapons I can think of. Read on to see more angles and some scale shots with other Tyranids.
The T Fex makes the Carnifex look tiny. The warrior and gaunt look minuscule. The Scythed Hierodule isn’t much bigger then the T Fex, it’s only bigger in girth and bulk really.
Who’s the Daddy! I really like this shot, it makes the Hierophant look gigantic.
So, should I paint more nids or should I move onto something else?
What’s your Reaction?
Garfy is a UK hobbyist with over twenty years experience. He's a regular contributor to White Dwarf Magazine including 4 Armies of the Month features and has written articles for the Warhammer Community site. He holds 3 UK Golden Demon finalist pins and 2 Armies on Parade Gold award. His other passion is photography and cinematography, which he uses to great effect to deliver high quality content to the blog.
Hi Evan, I don't know what your scheme is to be able to offer an opinion.
Perhaps you can join our Facebook group and post a pic on our wall and the Tale of Painters members can all offer suggestions?
Question for you Garfy, love your work by the way, I'm looking for some tips on the current process I am taking to paint my own tyranids. I'm about to start a batch of over 100+ termigants and was hoping for some advice on the layers you think out of my own scheme I could possibly airbrush to cut down on time. I tried looking for a contact email address I could send this to but didnt have much luck in finding one. If you would be so kind to contact me at you would totally make my day. Happy Painting!
Thanks 40k Giveaway and Eldorad for letting me know. I get such a kick out of seeing my stuff on the GW blog.
Hey you got another spot on WNT:
Congrats! These guys look good on the GW site
Oink, this should answer all your questions mate.
Your nids are always so lovely to see! Not sure if you're using GW paints or not but if so, are you still working with exisitng batches of old colour paints, or have you managed to find suitable colour matches from the new range?
Thanks Stunty and Sigur.
Spectacular work. 🙂 I also really like the size comparisons and that Hierodule looks COLOSSAL. Good stuff, mate.
If you enjoy painting them carry on, if you wanna do something else I could give you a list of tutorial requests lol.
btw great looking models, I like the size comparisons also
I'm glad you like it Stahly, I battled to get it finished. It felt like it took as long as the Hierophant to paint!
The pink is the new pink from GW, i rthink it's called Horror pink. I then just wash it with some red wash and then mix white into the pink and highlight up. I'm going to use these technique on some Genestealer Hybrids soon.
This is so sweet mate, I just love the paint scheme of your Nids and wanted to see your take on this model the moment I saw it on the leaked pictures! What's your recipe of the pink, fleshy parts of the weapon?