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Another batch of Kabalite Warriors complete! You’ve seen my progress on this unit yesterday in our “Tale of Mega Painters” post. With these three models done, I just need to paint two more. As you can see above, I’ve added the green glow effect to the blaster barrel as I mentioned in my last post. I’m quite happy how it turned out. What do you think? Would love to read some comments.
Stahly hails from Craftworld Germany and has been involved with Warhammer since childhood. He has painted several armies and countless warbands and Kill Teams over the decades, and founded Tale of Painters in 2011. When he's not painting miniatures incredibly slowly, he's testing the latest paints, tools and kits with German precision and a no non-sense attitude.
These are looking damn good. A quick how to would be great. Love the purple and would love to have a step by step of it. Well done. BTW this is one of the best blogs out there for painters.
Pretty amazing as always. Your style is very clean and clear without any mistakes. The green glow effect looks great. I for one, am torn about using an airbrush for glow effects. It's certainly easier and looks good, but I always find the "light" hits areas that it just wouldn't – because the airbrush sprays from a different angle from the light-source. But I think you've toned this down enough that it works! Plus your color choice is superb.
This army is going to be an award winner if you can keep this level of quality up!
I would really like you to see my new Dark Elder color scheme. Got to to check it out. It's in the most recent post. Thanks!
Thanks mate, I head over to your blog, see my comment there! Actually I didn't use an airbrush for the glows, they are hand painted. But I will use my airbrush to highlight the vehicles. I'm curious how this will turn out as I am an airbrush novice.
I think your color scheme turned out perfect, they look really Dark Eldar(ish) 🙂 I tried to do this myself a long time ago, based on blue and black but they turned out flat instead of dark mystique looking as the intention was.
Your scheme is "simple" to make the miniatures look clean and with your skill they turn out really good looking
As for details; The effect around the eyes and on the blaster is really adding depth to it.
I would really like to see the reaper!
Keep it up