I finished this Chariot a couple of weeks back. I’ve only just got round to sharing it on the blog. It was a great model to paint as I could paint it all separately and glue it together. Each sub assembly being quite different from one another made it really interesting to paint and that achievement of gluing it together painted and complete is a real buzz. After the jump some more pictures including a little turntable video and I talk about my next army.
Thanks for popping by and checking out my post. I’m coming to the end of my Slaves to Darkness project soon. I just have a handful of Chaos Knights left to paint and I hit that 2000pt match play total. With #New40k on the way I will be switching back to 40k for a little bit with Dark Angels and Necrons. I’m not turning my back on Age of Sigmar Chaos though, I’m currently reading Wrath of the Everchosen and I’ve been writing Legion of Chaos Ascendant army lists. I’m leaning towards all four Chaos Gods represented in 2000pts, with each of their respective Greater Daemons leading the lesser Daemons. So far I have
Keeper of Secrets
Great Unclean One
Lord of Change
10 Plague Bearers
10 Bloodletters
10 Daemonettes
3 Bloodcrushers
5 Seekers
5 Flesh Hounds
If you noticed the Pink Horrors missing it’s because they’re not battleline. Chaos Ascendant army lists can only summon Bloodletters, Plague Bearers, Daemonettes or Pink Horrors, so I thought I’d paint the Pink Horrors to be summoned So I could spend the points on other units like the Bloodcrushers. I’ll need to paint some other units for summoning purposes but I’ll worry about that if I get any games in.
This part of the list…
10 Bloodletters
10 Daemonettes
3 Bloodcrushers
5 Seekers
5 Flesh Hounds
… Is in the Realm of Chaos Wrath and Rapture Boxed game, which my daughter is giving to me as a Father’s Day Present.
I’m also thinking of taking Belakor. His army abilities are impressive. He can bring D3 models back to life. That not wounds… that’s models with the Keywords Bloodletters, Plague Bearers, Daemonettes and Pink Horrors. So Belakor could bring back D3 Bloodcrushers as they have the Bloodletters keyword.
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