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Just some more work on the Skinks. The skin and crests are done now. Next up will be the scales.
I think they are looking pretty cool so far but would love to have any feedback you might have. Also would like to know if anyone has a good jungle basing method. I envision lush, overgrown jungle with bits of temple ruins maybe. Happy painting all!
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Thanks for the links guys. I for sure want to do incorporate, temple rubble, roots, vines, puddles, deadfall, leafy foliage and the kitchen sink. 🙂
Perhaps a combination or Dieter' s method with some of the ideas from which is all about terrain made from plastic plants
I'm giving my Grey Knights some bases exactly like you're talking about. I'm using bases from Scibor, but doing some green stuff work to add extra vines and overgrowth. If someone has a brilliant method for doing that faster, I'd love to hear it. I just plan on lots of brown oil wash and some coats of gloss to make it look nice and wet/muddy, which I think would compliment these Skinks nicely.
here's the bases in progress:
Love the scheme n really well painted. I'm reassessing my own Lizard scheme now lol. keep the pics coming.
ps would love to see an army pic see how everything fits together