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Hey there and welcome to the showcase post of my second War Walker. As usually, more pictures after the jump (including a group picture with my first War Walker).

I already painted a War Walker before, so painting another one wasn’t too difficult. It almost felt like routine. So even though I had to work a lot of overtime in the last couple of weeks, I was able to finish this model rather quickly (by my standards).

Weapons are magnetized. I used the heavy weapons parts from the Eldar grav tanks, which give the model a more streamlined silhouette than the heavy weapon mounts that come with the War Walker kit.

Notice the custom rune decals I added to the model. The rune on the front indicates the position of the War Walker in the squad’s formation.

At some point in the future I want to add a third War Walker to have a full unit of three models. I can’t stand to paint the same models over and over, so I’ll paint some other stuff first. I guess the next model for my Iybraesil collection will be a Crimson Hunter.

How do you like my War Walkers? Tell me in the comments.