Hey folks. Today I want to show you something I’ve started working on. A Dark Angel
Standard Bearer. The banner itself will be a freehand painted affair which I
will be working on separately from the figure itself. I’ll be sure to share the
banner with you when I start on it.
With the figure itself I have taken photos of each stage of
one of my techniques for cream/natural fabric colour robes. It seemed to me like
a perfect opportunity to do a small tutorial.
While I have used Vallejo Paints for this model, I have kept
tried to provide the names of the equivalent GW paints too or at least give you
a good idea of how to get a similar effect with GW’s nearest colours.
For starters I have given the robes a basecoat of Vallejo
Cold Grey. I’ve used this particular colour because it gives brilliant coverage
over pretty much anything. Including even the grey/green primer I’ve used for
the model. The nearest GW equivalent to Cold Grey in Dawnstone.
Next up is a wash of Umber Shade. In consistency this is not
unlike GW’s Agrax Earthshade. So that would work to very similar effect.
Highlighting time. When it comes to this part of the proceedings
I tend to slightly thin the paint with a little water and also add a touch of
drying retarder/flow improver or acrylic medium. Lahmian Medium if you are using
GW paints. Using a mix of the Cold Grey and Vallejo Bonewhite (Ushtabi Bone) slightly
thinned and with the added medium to help to help in flow, I gradually work the
colour onto the raised areas and towards the edges.
More highlights. This
is very similar to the last stage but with just the bone colour and medium
thinned and applied to the ridges of the robes and the edges. Take care to use
the thinner consistency of the mix to blend it into the colour beneath.
The last stage is to highlight just the very highest points
and edges smoothly with Vallejo Off-White mixed with the water and medium. Now
I know there is no exact GW equivalent of this colour but you can get very
close by mixing Ushtabi Bone and White Scar.
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The Wight Jester
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This is the exact off-white color I'm looking for on a cloak! Expertly done!
That is awesome and I wish I could get robes done like that. *sigh*
But I just need to point out that Dawnstone is a drypaint.
Awesome. Just one question thought. How many layers have you done to achieve this smooth transaction?
Awesome. Just one question thought. How many layers have you done to achieve this smooth transaction?
Thank you for an outstanding tutorial. I will definately be using it.
I have been looking for a cloth/tabard look for ages, one that strikes my fancy, and you most assuredly have nailed it.
Thanks again 🙂
Very nice indeed!
Glaze medium rulez! 😉
A grand entry with a tutorial no less!
Your color scheme works very nicely with the monastic fluff the DA have I think. Thanks for sharing.
Nice tutorial…
Can you please make tutorial about painting Dark Angels and Deathwing vehicles?
I'll be doing another tutorial for my method of doing Dark Angel Armour and a deathwing one a little further in the future. 🙂
Love the cool de-saturated tone! Now, where's my bathrobe…
With painting tutorial I keeping think, "That looks pretty much done… next stage? Oooh shiny!"
Nice tutorial