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So these take longer than expected. Especially those crests were really time consuming. Because the details are a bit blurry in some areas, I also need to take my time with highlighting as I need to “guess” where to put the paint. Maybe the primer went on a bit thick, too, I don’t know. However, the first batch of three is coming along nicely and is soon to be finished. What do you think?
Stahly hails from Craftworld Germany and has been involved with Warhammer since childhood. He has painted several armies and countless warbands and Kill Teams over the decades, and founded Tale of Painters in 2011. When he's not painting miniatures incredibly slowly, he's testing the latest paints, tools and kits with German precision and a no non-sense attitude.
I've had the same problem, it's not that the primer is too thick, it's that the detail isn't defined too well.