And here’s my finished Orcs team. They had their baptism of fire a few days ago and it took a while until they were all patched up and presentable again.
The first game was quite a thing and I can confirm that Blood Bowl is an incredibly well thought out game. It will appeal to fans of ‘wacky fantasy’, football (I assume), more ‘serious’ boardgamers, tacticians, modellers and painters alike. Okay, it’s a bit random, but to me that’s half the fun of a proper GW game. (I don’t mind a bit of randomness in my miniature games at all in general) Last but not least it’s not too hard to convert BB teams from existing models of course. 🙂
My boyz were up against a human team from the same starter box so things were pretty even on paper. Of course I was up against a BB veteran of old who scored two touch-downs in quick succession. That must have ticked off the boyz somehow and they fowled two human players (just slightly knocking them out). The referee looked the other way, but the fans sure didn’t.
They started throwing rocks at my team and come second half-time they stormed the pitch to beat my team up badly. In the end I had four out of eleven field players up on their feet, the rest was badly injured, dead or at least knocked out.
Good game though, good learning experience and as I said: Very, very solid set of rules. Highly recommended.
I got some more models by now to slightly individualize my team, so maybe the Orkakringer Schnitters will find themselves in a league sooner rather than later. Hope you like the minis and stay tuned via this fine site or Battle Brush!
P.S.: If you’re in the Salzburg area on the 14th of March, make sure to check out Austrian Salute in Oberndorf! Great diversity of games, tables, people and things to do and look at. I’ll be there with my little painting workshop.
Thanks very much, Steven!
I feel like I need to add a lot of things, first and foremost more BOBlockers and Blitzers. 😉 These models are from the 3rd edition starter box (the box contained two teams: Orcs and Humans.) which was released in 1994 and re-released in 2002 IIRC.
Sure, I'd love to do a BB Pitch as a project. You can contact me any time if you want me to make one for you. 🙂 Alas, I don't see myself having the possibility for playing BB enough to warrant making my own pitch. I think that BloodBowl is definately worth getting. Some people don't like the randomness, but then why are they playing GW games in the first place? 😀 I'm perfectly fine with it.
At this point I'm afraid GW use their not dead-on core Warhammer/40k licenses for selling them to video games studios. However, the games as they were are as good as they ever were and especially BloodBowl (just like Epic and Mordheim) proved very well over the past 10 years and more that they are very, very well without GW's "support".
A couple of questions. First, the team looks great! You need to add a star player to get it in good! Did they do a remake of the game or is this from the original from a long time ago? Would you consider doing a small venue (throwing pitch, stadium, arena) as a project? I really liked the original game and I really like your team. I might consider picking up a set (old or new) based on the fact that it was one of those games that was quick and simple. They need to go back to that formula.
Thanks and keep up the good work!
Thanks very much, Smithy2727! It's great to get all this positive feedback on miniatures which aren't exactly "the latest huge plastic chunk". 🙂 I'll see if I can get more friends into Bloodbowl.
I've loved watching this team develop, Sigur. That colour scheme is terrific and superb execution; they are a great reboot of classic 90's miniatures. Best of luck if you start in a league, that will really bring the teams character to life.