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Slow progress on the Avatar… but I really want to bring my A-game so that’s fine. Just the fire on the tabbard took me two evenings already. The light effect is hardly visible because of the gloss varnish, but it should look fine once the model will be matte varnished. Left to do is the hand with the sword, and adding runes to the tabbard. For this I’m waiting for some sweet custom white ink decals from Fallout Hobbies that I designed by myself. Also notice the gradient from turquoise to blue in the hair. What do you think?
Stahly hails from Craftworld Germany and has been involved with Warhammer since childhood. He has painted several armies and countless warbands and Kill Teams over the decades, and founded Tale of Painters in 2011. When he's not painting miniatures incredibly slowly, he's testing the latest paints, tools and kits with German precision and a no non-sense attitude.
Incredible colours and great looking figure, really love this work! I'm new to this site, and this was one of the first pics I saw…blown away. Great painting! 😀
Lookin faboulous, what a massive work!!!
I'm loving what you've done with him. Looks awesome.
Simply – this is just incredible. Cannot imagine doing this by myself…ever! Great work Stahly!
Very nice! The blue cloth is fantastic, specially with the pink fire, are you doing it glossy?
The pink actually works incredibly well, and the fire on the tabbard looks awesome! Maybe some scorched grass on the base could work as well?
Alright I'll admit that I wasn't sold on it – but that pink is the literal bomb! It's so good that I may actually paint something pink now. I have never thought that before.
Work of art so far mate.
Cheers. It's probably the favourite model I worked on so far. I feel the venture of trying something a little bit different with the paint scheme really pays off.