In today’s post I share with your a complete photo tutorial guide to paint the Ravenwing Biker from the Dark Vengeance boxed game. What are you waiting for, more after the jump!

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This tutorial assumes you have a basic understanding of how to paint. For the beginners, I will explain the techniques as I go along. Each picture below shows four chronological steps. Underneath each picture are the corresponding instructions. Each step shows the paint I used during that step.

Paints you will need for this tutorial:

If you need to expand your paint collection, check out our 🇬🇧/🇪🇺 partner stores Wayland GamesElement Games, and Firestorm Games, at 🇩🇪 Taschengelddieb and PK-Pro, and at 🇺🇸 Noble Knight Games, which all offer an amazing range of paints and hobby products at a discount. Using our links helps to support Tale of Painters at no additional cost to you, so thank you very much for using them!

1. Undercoat the model using a black undercoat. I use Vallejo surface primer with my airbrush. 

2. Create a mix of Eshin Grey and Lahmian Medium (50:50) and paint a thin layer (a glaze) over all the rounded areas of the armour that would catch natural light. Once dry, repeat to build the intensity. It’s these thin layers that create such nice soft blends. 

3. Create another glaze but this time it’s a 50:50 mix of the Fang and Lahmian Medium. Paint a couple of thin coats of this mix over the top of the previous layer being careful to blend it in.

4. With a fine detail brush, paint the upper sharp edges of the armour with Russ Grey to represent glints of light on the edges. 

5. Nuln Oil is used as a thin layer over our blending to help tone it down and blend it all together.

6. Pick out any metal areas with Leadbelcher.

7. Wash the metallic areas with Agrax Earthshade.

8. Highlight the edges of the metals with Iron Breaker using a fine detail brush.

9. Paint the bolter casings with Khorne Red.

10. Highlight the previous areas with Evil Sunz  Scarlett.

11. Edge highlight the red areas with Wild Rider Red and a fine detail brush.

12. Basecoat any feathers with Fenrisian Grey.

13. Carefully pick out each individual feather with Ceramite White. This might take a couple of coats to get a solid coat. Water your paint a touch to make it flow from the brush easier. It makes for a more accurate method.

14. Paint any skulls and the chest Aquilla with Zamesi Desert.

15. Highlight the skulls and chest Aquilla with Ushabti Bone. Make sure you leave some Zamesi Desert showing through for shading.

16. Water down some XV-88 and use it to shade the skulls and Aquilla. Just paint thin lines in the recesses.

17. Paint any scrolls or parchments with Baneblade Brown.

18. Highlight the scrolls/parchments with Rakarth Flesh.

19. Run a wash of Agrax Earthshade over the scrolls and parchment areas.

20. Paint thin edge highlight lines of Dawnstone onto the rubberised areas under the armour pieces (elbows, back of knees, groin etc). Add edge highlights to the tyres.

21. Paint the exhaust system with Warplock Bronze.

22. Highlight the exhaust with Brass Scorpion.

23. The eyes actually require three steps. Firstly paint Teclis Blue into the lens leaving a black area showing in the upper most corner furthest from the nose. Then paint a line of Temple Guard Blue along the bottom of the lens. Finally, paint a thinner white line below the line of Temple Guard Blue and paint a white dot in the middle of the black area you left. Use these colours to paint the headlight and bikes rider display.

24. Paint all the gold areas with Gehenna’s Gold. This might take a couple of coats. Thin the metals with Lahmian Medium to make your paints smoother.

25. Highlight the Gold areas with Auric Armour Gold.

26. Any large blank areas are great for decals. Use them for squad or chapter markings. I painted this squad number on the shoulder pad using Pallid Wych Flesh

27. Finally, base the model in a way which fits in with your collection. I used Armageddon Dust texture paint highlighted with Screaming Skull and the base edge was painted with Steel Legion Drab

Come back soon as a couple more Space Marine tutorials in the pipeline. Hope you enjoyed this one. 

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