Hey guys, check out my finished Wraithlord model for my Eldar collection of craftworld Iybraesil. More pictures after the jump.
I really appreciate that you can arm Wraithlords with two of the same weapons since the last codex. Looks much better than two different weapons in my opinion. The weapon mounts are magnetized.
As usually with my larger Iybraesil models, the first highlight on the turquoise was applied with an airbrush. Then I applied a layer of shading and another highlight with a brush to finish the body.
All in all it was a fun and easy model to paint. It’s a shame that there is so few articulation in the legs. I’m fine with my “striding and blasting away” pose though.
How do you like the model? Tell me in the comments 🙂
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Your models look great. Can I ask what colours you use for your bases and your technique? Thanks
Hey there, for my Eldar bases I apply PVA glue and dip them in a sand mix. Once dry, I use very thin PVA glue applied all over to seal the sand. After priming I paint the texture with XV-88 and give it a generous drybrush of Terminatus Stone. The masonry pieces are painted with Pallid Wych Flesh, then I wash Warpaints Soft Tone Ink (Seraphim Sepia) in the recesses and drybrush with white. Finally the sand gets a generous Warpaints Strong Tone Ink wash (Devlan Mud or the brown wash from GW, though it is a lighter brown and more expensive). The static grass is Arid Static Grass from GF9. Cheers.
I really like the color scheme of your Eldar 🙂 Paintjob is neat and crisp, just perfect for Eldar models. I also love taht you didn't go over the top with shading and highlighting, this seems to be the trend nowadays but it doesn't appeal to me personally.
Definitely looking forward for more, keep up your good work!
Cheers 🙂