Fimbul is Yazneg’s Lieutenant. After Yazneg is thrown to the Wargs for his failures, Fimbul the Hunter becomes Azog’s right hand man. This vicious orc carries a rusty Orc scimitar blade and wears gruesome bloodied, bone armour. After the jump you can see more pictures, read my thoughts and I also share a group shot of Azog’s Warband!
Mounted Fimbul is a great model. The Warg has a galloping stance and it’s vicious maw is wide open ready to bite an enemy. I decided to paint Fimbul’s Warg black. I really liked the idea that Azog rides the White Warg and Fimbul rides the black Warg. It also really helps this villain stand out from the standard Hunter Orcs I painted on brown Wargs.
I used my Hunter Orc tutorial to paint most of Fimbul and I used the rusty metal part of the Goblin tutorial to paint his leg armour and blade. Because Fimbul is so similar to the Hunter Orcs I didn’t create a tutorial for this model.
Here is my collection of the Azog’s Hunters Warband. So far I have Azog, Fimbul, 6 Hunter Orcs on Wargs and 6 Fell Wargs. I have no plans to add to this at the moment but when I do it will probably be some Hunter Orcs on foot.
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Really appreciate this wonderful post that you have provided for us.Great site and a great topic as well i really get amazed to read this. Its really good. Crossbow Reviews
Very nice! Any tips for painting black wargs like that?
Fantastic as always! l really want to see a legolas tutorial! I wont dare start without it! Also finecraft white council, l have had it since Xmas & cant bring Myself to risk it!
You can easily use the Mirkwood tutorial for Legolas. It's so similar I will probably never produce a Legolas tutorial.
Thanks! I will do just that!
Very nice Fimbul and warband! Have you thought about making another to go with this which has the Gundabad Orc General in which Gundabad orcs which are being released soon? Would really like to see a tutorial on how you would paint him!
Great looking miniature!
Great work, once again
Very nice work