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Hi all, some news from Banzai1000 upon my progress with my Mechanicum army in preparation for this year’s Army on Parade. Click and enjoy…

Above is the first Imperial Knight Errant I built for the Adeptus Mechanicus. His name is „Ludwig von Arka“, first of three brother Knights from my own house called „Arka“.

First Skitarii Rangers are ready. I like them more then the Vanguard models. Up to 15 Rangers will be placed on the board.

Ironstrider Ballistarius approaching. Several of these guys should provide a good amount of firepower. Only this one will make it on my board though.

The Myrmidon Secutor from FW will serve as a bodyguard for the Techpriest Dominus, together with two Scyllax Guardian Automata.

Watch out for more and be keen on what the display board will look like…