WIP: Mechanicum Cerastus Knight Atrapos #2
The Knight has now been fully cleaned up, mould lines removed, filed, sanded etc and the basic pose all set. More after the jump! I started with blu-tac’ing the feet pads to a couple of bits of slate to get the angle I wanted, then…
WIP: Mechanicum Cerastus Knight Atrapos #1
First off, an update of recent events… It’s been a while since I have done pretty much any hobby. I have defected into the realm of online gaming with my PS4 while my new kitchen was installed. Plus a lack of motivation to pick up…
WIP: Forces of the Mechanicus and Skitarii #3
The final part of the intro work to the Mech/Skit forces I am working on. This will complete the 2000 points (and change) that I intend at this stage to stay at. Although knowing me that will change if I decide after some games that…
WIP: Forces of the Mechanicus and Skitarii #2
Continuing on from the part 1 of this WIP blog is the second part of the project. I now have a time frame to roughly work towards for this project as I intend to use the army for the next 40k Campaign Weekend at Warhammer…
WIP: Forces of the Mechanicus and Skitarii #1
I have always been fascinated by the forces loyal to the Machine god, from early imagery right up to the fairly recent Mechanicum book in the Heresy series. When GW announced they were doing the Skitarii and Mechanicum Codex books for the 40k universe, I…
Showcase: Eldar Craftworld Iyanden #4
The final part of the showcase focussing on the FW models for the Iyanden army. This was the first army i really ventured into the FW models for game play. I had dabbled with the odd Dread weapon options, but this was big cash spending…
Showcase: Eldar Craftworld Iyanden #3
Part 3 of the showcase concentrates on the vehicles in the army for my Iyanden Eldar. Vehicles in Eldar terminology basically means skimmers. And you can never have enough of those bad boys! More after the jump! First up are the Wave Serpents. Long argued…
Showcase: Eldar Craftworld Iyanden #2
This part of the showcase covers all the aspect warriors in the army. In most cases there is a gentle nod to the blue or yellow of the main Iyanden force where it made sense to do so. So just a quick refresh of the…
Showcase: Eldar Craftworld Iyanden #1
This will be a 4 part showcase of my Iyanden Eldar. They are showing their age, with regard to the paint scheme, and my techniques, but these go back a few years now! Also a little bit of minor damage from excessive game play is…
Report: Warhammer World Campaign “The Inquisition Wars”
The galaxy burns. For ten thousand years the fires of war have ravaged the Imperium and they show no signs of relenting. As the realm crumbles, agents of the God-Emperor scramble to protect His sprawling domain. These men and women will commit any action; condone any atrocity,…
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