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Hey all, hope your having a good Monday. Today I thought I’d show a recently finished Ahriman Arch-Sorcerer of Tzeentch.

GW over the last six months have been releasing a lot of Tzeentch models and they have all been pretty fantastic. Ahriman is one of those and so incerdibly detailed I tried to cut back on the paint job to make the model look less fussy. I went with a white scheme. Why? Sound silly but Ahriman and Saruman the White. Yeah its silly, but I quite like the look. For this model I used a lot of the Watercolours paint range that I revieved last year as the colours they produce are quite vibrant and fit this type of model well. What do you think and what do you think of all the new Tzeentch models. To be honest as much as I like them I can’t wait for GW to cover the Nurgle armies more along with Slaanesh!