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Hey everyone! As I mentioned in my 2017 hobby resolutions, I want to paint my Sylvaneth army this year. I bought the majority of this army when it was released last summer. I’m excited now to make a start on it and see how it develops over the year. The first unit I’ve started is the Tree-Revenants, I’ve painted two models so far to get a feel for the scheme, I’m really happy with them and really enjoying painting them! I’m going for a similar basing style to my Stormcast Eternals, as I can imagine them coming to the aid of the Stormcast and it means I can use them together if I wanted in a game.
What do you think? I’m looking forward to adding more to the unit!
Amy is no longer an active contributor to Tale of Painters. However, you can still browse her archived posts by clicking on this banner.
Love the bases. and the colors.Looks like they are fighting to take back a battleground torn up by Khorne. Would make a great themed table too.
Those are cool. Love them!!
The models for me do not link to the bases and the colours are just to one colour to the next. would much prefer to see a blend from one colour to the next
I like the bases to be honest everyone does grass bases for sylvaneth so its a nice change. Also makes sense as sylvaneth dont just fight in the woodlands.
Great work!
Wow those are beautiful!
Looking really good! I esspecially like the contrasting colours you balanced on the models.