I added a few more pieces to my terrain collection: a storage fane from Battlezone Manufactorum, which I got in issue 34 of my Warhammer 40.000: Imperium partwork collection. Learn how I painted it in today’s post.

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The Battlezone Manufactorum terrain pieces are basic line of sight blocking terrain pieces. While they aren’t as modular as the other Sector Imperialis ruins, they assembly quickly and match the utilitarian style of my Sector Fronteris buildings very well. As they are taller than the Ryza-pattern structures, they add another level of verticality to my collection.

I painted these models just like my other black Ryza-pattern ruins and STC bunker, I put a list of paint recipes in this post:

The grey floors, windows and doors are a new to the palette of my terrain pieces, painted to match the grey rubble on the Battlezone Munitorum gaming boards. I kept the floor separate and primed it with Vallejo Hobby Spray Panzer Grey, then added a zenithal highlight of Grey Seer primer. I mixed Vallejo Model Color Dark Grey with a lot of Contrast Medium and washed it all over, then drybrushed with Grey Seer and Corax White before sponge weathering with VMC Black and Vallejo Mecha Color Dark Steel. The grey details on the buildings were basecoated with VMC Dark Grey and drybrushed heavily with Grey Seer instead of the zenithal basecoat.

Battlezone: Manufactorum Storage Fane cinematic shot

And this is what the painted Battlezone Manufactorum Storage Fane looks like on the Battlezone Manufactorum gaming board and a cinematic background. I used this setup to photograph my Imperial Fists test model, so make sure to check it out. All I need now is to finish the rest of the set, but I guess I’ll paint a few other things first.

Hope you enjoyed this quick terrain showcase post, let me know your thoughts or questions in the comments below, I’d also love to see your paint jobs of these ruins. Leave a reaction, join us on Discord, and until then, happy hobbying!